~Love yourself. By love yourself, I really mean WORSHIP yourself.
I really don’t have any clue how anyone gets anything done in life
while they consistently go on about insecurities and doubts. Stop
working against your potential for greatness, allow yourself luxuries
and all the love the world has to offer!
~Travel. Be it to the grocery store or China, sometimes a change of
scenery is just what the doctor ordered.
~Surround yourself by amazing people. People you aspire to be, people
who inspire you and who support everything you are in this world!
Never imagine people being better than you – if you think of yourself
as the best you will become it! Toxic people in your life need to be
flushed, so stop hesitating and allowing them to poison your positivity!
~Spoil yourself. I know it’s cheesy because of all the cosmetics
companies sport this as their advertising headers, but you know what,
they’re on to something! Allow yourself the little extra’s and know
your worth (now realistically multiply what you think it is by 1000 –
that’s what your REAL worth is). Women are made to think of others
first – realize that you cannot spoil others without spoiling yourself
~Set your feelings free. Be it anger, fear, happiness or excitement – let
it go! Put emotions into actions and allow yourself to move on to
bigger and better things via creativity and experiences! The moment
you realize you are an entity who owns their emotions and not the
other way around, is the moment you win.
~Listen to music. So many more times than not there is someone out
there who has been in the same rough spot as you. Inspiration comes
in so many forms, but music has the ability to feel like a good friend
offering up the greatest advice. Soak up a soothing melody and let
someone else’s experience get you through the toughest times.
~Take care of your body. Adorn it with lush fabrics, exotic colors and
precious materials… be a goddess and feel like one! Feed your mind
via books and philosophies, nourish your body with clean foods and
rest your soul with peace and quiet. Rest and relaxation is the new
luxury – true proof that some of the best things in life are free!
~Be creative. Paint, write, construct, solve… whatever side of the brain
proves to be your strongest, use it to your advantage and indulge in
the luxury of seeing something materialize from your own two hands.
There is nothing more rewarding than being able to add your
perspective of beauty to the universe.
~Do something that scares you. You have no idea how freeing it is to
test yourself and succeed at conquering your fears. It is like a breath
of fresh air. Believe. Doesn’t have to be in God. Doesn’t have to be in
fate or destiny. Believe in something you feel strongly for… be it your
cat, car, neighbor or politics… being able to exercise your love for
something and stand up for it without question adds to the intrigue of
your personality and gives you a loyal edge.
~Be true to yourself
~I will practice forgiveness, starting with myself
~Do the right things for the right reasons
~Patience, Compassion, and Understanding — for yourself as well as
~If you have nothing to look forward to, you will always be looking
behind you
~Don't sweat the small stuff
~“Yesterday I did, today I do, and tomorrow I will” ~ Unknown
~“Courage is the price that life exacts for granting peace."
~ Amelia Earhart
~"Moderation in all things, including moderation." ~Unknown
~"In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things
with great love." ~ Mother Teresa
~"Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go of what you can't change. Kiss slowly, play hard, forgive quickly, take
chances, give everything and have no regrets.
Life's too short to be anything…but happy." ~ Unknown